Patita Feia

"Assim como falham as palavras quando querem exprimir qualquer pensamento, assim falham os pensamentos quando querem exprimir qualquer realidade." - F.P.

domingo, outubro 29, 2006

Queen of Pain

Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)


-Gives love and support
-Creates a warm, secure environment
-Makes people feel better
-Responds to the natural world
-Has a green thumb
-Has a way with children and animals

-Will do any service for others
-Is a soft touch
-Always has an open door and welcoming smile
-Gives freely and abundantly
-Is warm, generous and unselfish

-Handles problems matter-of-factly
-Allows others to be themselves
-Has no pretensions or affectations
-Takes a simple, sensible approach
-Appreciates all the senses

-Finds a use for whatever's at hand
-Is handy and versatile
-Makes a little go a long way
-Gets around every obstacle
-Comes up with what's needed

-Keeps confidences and secrets
-Is loyal and steadfast
-Comes through in a pinch
-Keeps faith with others
-Is true to his or her word


There are no separate explanations for reversed cards.
The meaning of a reversed card depends on what the card would mean if upright. A reversed card shows that a card's energy is present, but at a lower level.
For some reason, the energy cannot express freely, normally or completely.
It may be:

-Still in its early stages
-Losing force and power
-Blocked or restricted
-Being denied

2 Grasnados:

At 6:54 da tarde, Blogger mfc aQUACKrescentou...

Parece bastante bom...mas é melhor fazeres pelo que desejas e não te fiares muito nas cartas!

At 12:10 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo aQUACKrescentou...

Isto só me faz lembrar uma música da Alannis Morrissette... (mais consoante menos consoante) :P


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