Patita Feia

"Assim como falham as palavras quando querem exprimir qualquer pensamento, assim falham os pensamentos quando querem exprimir qualquer realidade." - F.P.

quarta-feira, abril 05, 2006

Só podia...

Your Lucky Underwear is Purple

Dreamy and idealistic, you envision great things for your life. Your lucky purple underwear can make those dreams come true!
You're a busy little butterfly. You have the most projects, interests, and friends of anyone you know.

You also have a flair for the dramatic. Sometimes too much drama comes in to your life and brings things to a stop.
If you want to focus more, and flutter less, put on your purple underpants. They'll help you get the important things done.

3 Grasnados:

At 7:24 da tarde, Blogger Sara Mota aQUACKrescentou...

Your Lucky Underwear is Blue

You are caring and extroverted. You've made relationships your number one focus, and your lucky blue underwear can bring some balance to them.
You thrive in one-on-one situations. You are a good listener and a natural born therapist.

Sometimes you let the concerns of others become too important in your life, leading to stress and worry.
If you want more balance, put on your blue underpants. They'll help you take care of yourself first.

hehe ;)

At 12:03 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo aQUACKrescentou...

Your Lucky Underwear Is Red

You're confident and bold, and your lucky red underwear will only make you more sure of yourself.
You have a great zest for life, and you tend to take on impossible goals - and succeed.

When it comes to love, it's hard for you to take the time to open up. You're too busy conquering the world.
So if you're looking for a little more romance, put on your red underpants. And see where their passion takes you!


At 11:41 da tarde, Blogger Bina Ladina aQUACKrescentou...

A minha só podia ser AZUUUUL

E sim é verdade:
"Sometimes you let the concerns of others become too important in your life, leading to stress and worry."
... mas que se lixe!!
É assim que eu sou e mai nada :P


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