Patita Feia

"Assim como falham as palavras quando querem exprimir qualquer pensamento, assim falham os pensamentos quando querem exprimir qualquer realidade." - F.P.

terça-feira, março 25, 2008

Legendary Punishment for the 7 Deadly Sins

Religious thought has it that in ancient times, each of the seven deadly sins was thought to have a specific, corresponding punishment in Hell. They are as follows:

The prideful person was broken on the wheel - (Humility).

The greedy person was soaked in boiling oil - (Generosity).

The slothful person was thrown into a pit of snakes - (Enthusiasm).

The lustful person was smothered in fire and brimstone - (Temperance).

The wrathful person was dismembered alive - (Forgiveness).

The gluttonous person was force-fed rats, toads, and snakes - (Restraint).

The envious person was put in freezing water - (Gratitude).

2 Grasnados:

At 4:07 da tarde, Blogger Paulo Dâmaso aQUACKrescentou...

Sim, sou pecador me confesso!

At 2:16 da tarde, Blogger Avis Rarum aQUACKrescentou...

se o inferno for Faro... vou pecar, pecar muito...
e tu?


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