Patita Feia

"Assim como falham as palavras quando querem exprimir qualquer pensamento, assim falham os pensamentos quando querem exprimir qualquer realidade." - F.P.

segunda-feira, abril 30, 2007

"Father figure" - George Michael

"That's all I wanted
Something special something sacred -
In your eyes
For just one moment
To to bold and naked
At your side
Sometimes I think that you'll never
Understand me
Maybe this time is forever...
Say it can be

That's all you wanted
Something special, someone sacred -
In your life
Just for one moment
To be warm and naked
At my side

Sometimes I think that you'll never
Understand me
But something tells me together
We'll be happy ..."

Faltam exactamente 13 dias...

2 Grasnados:

At 8:26 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo aQUACKrescentou...

Sortuda... Quem me dera.h

At 9:42 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo aQUACKrescentou...

Ando a tentá.lo convencer a ir, mas não preciso de repetir aqui todos os estereótipos e piadas possíveis e imaginários, pois não...? bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mas mesmo muito bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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